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Wednesday 31 December 2014

How to make yourself taller and more elegant

Beauty secrets for older women Put your hair up high use lots of pins to curl it into a big bun then put those heels on and stand straight shoulders back you can gain five inches.

Thursday 11 December 2014


Beauty secrets for older women The secret of walking in high heels is to practice walking on your tip toes first in your house. Then slip on your heels and walk on your toes only using the bottom of the shoe to rest on when seated. You will not trip this way.

Monday 8 December 2014

Use Highlighter on your cheekbones

Beauty secrets for older women Use some highlighter on your cheekbones to bring your youthfulness out. It works wonders and as we get older our cheekbones get more pronounced that's why older women are so much more elegant.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Lose weight fast

Beauty secrets for older women Lose weight fast by getting out of breathe doing anything active for twenty minutes running is a great way to lose a stone in a week guaranteed.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

#Eyeliner make it smudge proof

Beauty secrets for older women When you apply eyeliner on the upper lid allow it to dry then smudge in your eyeshadow to stop it running.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

CluelessCavalier: Black Money? Looking for a plan...

CluelessCavalier: Black Money? Looking for a plan...: An ingress to the bank..nope..it ain't radioactive.          A lot has been said lately about whether the Indian government pos...

Beauty secrets for older women

Monday 1 December 2014

Try Garniers# new cleansing water for healthy skin

Beauty secrets for older women Garniers New cleansing water for removing make-up is excellent really inexpensive and effective. Much better than creams a huge bottle for only £2.99 at savers#

Grow hair faster and thicker

Beauty secrets for older women Grow your hair faster and thicker by brushing it a hundred times per day .